Previous: Preview Up: Starting Science From God Next: 1.  Unifying Science and Theism

Reading Schedule


Week 1:          Preface and Chapter 1                     Introduction


Week 2:          Chapters 4 and 5                              Substances and Generative Levels


Week 3:          Chapters 7 - 11 and 3.3                   Starting with a God of Love


Week 4:          Chapters 12, 14 and 15                   A God of Life, Wisdom and Action


Week 5:          Chapters 17, 18 and 3.1                  Spiritual, Mental and Physical


Preparatory   Chapters 19 and 20                         The Theistic Universe


Week 6:          Chapters  22, 25 and 27                  Mind and its connections


Week 7:          Chapters  24 and 26                                    Physics and evolution


Week 8:          Chapters  23, 28 and 29                  Spirit and its connections


 Note that chapter 25, on mind-body connections, does use Chapter 24.



Chapter 2 reviews some history of ideas,

Chapter 13 concerns infinity, and

Chapter 16 concerns time and eternity.
Discussion, if desired, can also concern these.

Previous: Preview Up: Starting Science From God Next: 1.  Unifying Science and Theism